Monday, October 31, 2011

why i am going (needing) back to korea.

- i am a bad driver. i cannot park. i love walking + public transportation.
- i’m socially awkward in the states, but when i’m in korea, all the confidence returns.
- i hate cooking. i don’t want to learn either. eating out in korea is cheap and healthy.
- my friends would never refer to me as korean-american. i’m straight up fob.
- my korean is almost as good as my English, and it really shouldn’t be.
- i hate working for white bosses. i hate working amongst white people. i’d rather work like a slave than make small talk and engage in social networking.
- did i already mention, i hate social networking. 
- and speaking of socializing, i cannot socialize with people here. whether it’s church or a gathering, socializing doesn’t work. but the minute i’m in korea, i am a social butterfly. i can lift my face and actually make friends.
- people in korea have no manners. i do not need to say “excuse me” to everyone going in and out of the subway. we just all crash into each other and it’s really not a big deal.
- bargaining is common, and i am the master of bargaining. i find joy in getting good deals.
- haircuts will never cost more than $20 max. facials will never cost more than $30. the best part, no tipping.
- i love teaching korean students. they are already motivated by family. in America, there’s a lack of money + motivation in the education system. parents love blaming everything on the schools. i’m sorry, but as much as i’d like to say i’ll make a difference.. it’s not going to happen. the American education system is f***ed probably forever.
- i am not a minority in korea. 
- customer service is spectacular in korea. just a few days ago, i had to tell the bagging lady at costco to not squish my bread loaves with cold orange juice. then she rolled her eyes and i had to ask if i should call for the manager. only then did i get an apology out of her.
- i don’t belong here. that’s probably a good enough reason. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

i love my new bag. it looks plain, but it holds EVERYTHING. books, journal, makeup bag, water bottle…and it doesn’t look overstuffed. YAY.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

i’m too sleepy to write in detail or coherence, but i wanted to get something down to clearly remember this experience in the future.

For my birthday, God revealed to me how incomprehensibly great his love is and how precious i am to him despite what the world may think. I am so thankful for his love. I am so thankful that my family + close friends are saved—and at the same time ashamed for having taken this for granted. 

I do not know why God loves such an insignificant nobody like me, but i do know that his love is greater than anything and i am soooooooooo happy. im too sleepy to write coherently so i go ~

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

my heart does a little plop when i get hired for a position that i’d really enjoy…but can’t accept because of health reasons+long working hours.

God’s really humbling me. 

but he is good, and he only wants THE BEST for me.

and that’s all that really should matter. i mean i am currently working part-time jobs that perfectly fit with my current conditions. i am thankful.

thank you God for this time in my life and for taking care of me. =)

Monday, October 10, 2011


언제쯤이면 그사람을 깨끗히 잊을수 있을까.

그사람 때문에 힘들어하는거 그만하고싶어.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

나중에.. 아주 나중에.. 만약 하나님의 뜻이라면..난 어려운 나라들을 여행하면서 학교 짓고 아이들 가르치면서 살고싶다. 그리구 학교안에 교회도 새울수 있다면 얼마나 좋을까. 

막 이런생각 드는 틈에서 부모님 반대..미국생활..한국생활.. 등등 걸린다.

내가 여행하는거 좋아하는것. 교육자격증 따게된것. 여길 떠나고 싶은 마음. 뭔가 크게 일 벌리고 싶은 마음. 하나님을 위해서 뭔가 하고싶은것. 다 무슨 의미가 있다고 생각해. 

지금은 머리도 복잡하고..뭐 돈도 없으니 어디가서 학교새운다는게 지금 현실적으로 말도 안되고. 또 나 혼자 뭘하겟다고 주변에서 손짓할테고. 

지금은 아니다. 기도해야 돼. 답이 나올때까진 주워진 삶 열심히! 

Saturday, October 1, 2011


이노래 들으면서 뜨거운 눈물을 얼마나 흘렸는지. 
너무나도 나태해져있었던 나.
그래도 그분은 날 받아주신다. 가만히 있어도 저를 부르시는분.

제가 감히 주님을 사랑합니다. 자격없지만, 아무것도 아닌..수십번 죄를 짓는 제가 감히 당신을 사랑합니다.